
So What Do We Do At Bigfish Strategies Inc?

We work with individuals who are serious about living life and loving without fear.

We teach individuals that the essential aspect of living and loving without fear is to transcend fear and illusion or ego-based states of consciousness in the physical world system that we live in to a heart centered real world system based on unconditional love.

In a nutshell at Bigfish Strategies we are "Systems Busters".

We comprehend on many levels the physical world system that we currently live in which is based on fear and illusion and we have a comprehensive understanding of the real world system that we all come from and the fact that we are spiritual beings incarnated on earth to assist the physical universe in the process of ascension. If this sounds a bit out there for some of you well so be it! If there is some truth here for some of you then please read on.

Bigfish Strategies Inc. provides the consulting, coaching, and facilitation of the RippleFx Teachings and RippleFX Manifestation System which takes individuals like you and me through the process of living life without fear.

You see the RippleFx Manifestation System is a spiritual system that provides answers to some of the big spiritual question while facilitating spiritual awakening and then acts as a bridge between the physical world system that you live in and the real world system that you and I come from and it makes the journey a little more comfortable. I will explain what I mean about the physical world and the real world in future posts or please feel free to email me if you have any immediate questions at bigfishstrategies@gmail.com.

Now the RippleFx Teachings consists of seven modules. I will go into that in more detail as well in future posts but let me just finish with a little bit of information about myself.

My name is Kerrace Alexander, I am the one who developed the RippleFx Teachings and the RippleFX Manifesation System and Bigfish Strategies Inc is my company. The company was incorporated on Valentines Day! February 14, 2005. In all honesty I was not conscious of the date or the symbolic meaning that date would bring to the company. The RippleFX Manifestation System teaches individuals how to live from the heart rather then the ego- based thought system we have been conditioned into since we incarnated here in this physical world.

In closing I have to say that it is only through my own personal spiritual awakening assension process that I was able to develop the RippleFx Teachings and RippleFX Manifestation System and it is my wish that it provides you with the gifts of love joy, abundance and spiritual freedom that it has given me to create the life you want to live without fear and with love.

Please visit the blog archives to the right of the blog there is a lot of good information, insights, wisdom, knowledge teachings in addition to information about how I support individuals on their journey of self exploration and healing.