
Do you have Stress, Anxiety,or feel a Sense of Powerlessness in Your Life?

Then you need to learn how to use your "Internal Guidance System" to help you navigate you through your life and work.

It is a much better alternative then supressing your feelings, living with a lot of pain and suffering or continuously feed your addictions to get some relief.

Are you not sure what to think, what decisions are most effective or how to move towards your life’s purpose? These are the sensations of your Internal Guidance System "closing".

Have you had moments of amazing clarity when everything seemed to go perfectly and do you want more of that? These are sensations of your Internal Guidance System “opening".

Learning how to locate, recognize its signals and utilize your own Internal Guidance System can be a profound and empowering aid in navigating through the decisions and challenges in your life.

Your Internal Guidance System is directly linked with The Stages of Manifestation so once you learn how to navigate with your Internal Guidance System you can incorporate the seven stages of manifestation in order to create the life and work you desire!

If any of this information resonates with you please contact Kerrace at: to get information, schedule a consultation or sign up for the next workshop.